About Erasmus+

Erasmus+ is the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport, running from 2021 to 2027. It has a budget of €26.2 billion for all of Europe, to fund learning mobility and cross-border cooperation projects for ten million Europeans of all ages and all backgrounds.

In Ireland, organisations apply to Léargas for funding to carry out projects consistent with its objectives and that encourage European exchange, co-operation and learning.  Organisations much be active in Adult Education, School Education, Vocational Education and Training, or Youth.

Higher Education organisations should apply to our fellow National Agency in Ireland, the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

What are the Programme Objectives?

  • Support through lifelong learning for the educational, professional and personal development of people in education, training and youth, in Europe and beyond.
  • Build a European Education Area to support European strategic cooperation in education and training, and in advancing youth policy cooperation under the Youth Strategy 2019 to 2027.
  • Promote Learning Mobility in Education and Training for staff, pupils and learners, along with cooperation, quality, inclusion and equity, excellence, creativity and innovation.
  • Promote Learning Mobility in Youth to support young people, youth workers and organisations to actively participate in non-formal and informal learning mobility.

What are the Programme Priorities?

There are four priorities: Inclusion and Diversity; Digital Transformation; Environment and Fight Against Climate Change; and Participation in Democratic Life. Visit the Priorities section for more detail.

What Types of Erasmus+ Projects Do Léargas Manage?

Erasmus+ is divided into different ‘Key Actions’.  In Léargas we support projects under ‘Key Action 1 – Mobility’ and ‘Key Action 2 – Partnerships’. There are more details about these below.

Other aspects of Erasmus+ are managed centrally at a European level by the European Commission and European Commission’s European Education and Culture Executive Agency in Brussels, Belgium.

What is the Funding Allocation?

You can see funding allocations in Guide to Your Funding.


There are two project types, Mobility and Partnerships for Cooperation.

Mobility Projects

A mobility project is one where an organisation sends staff, learners, pupils or young people to travel to another country to work, train, learn or job shadow. Funding is available for Irish organisations that are active in Adult Education, School Education, VET or Youth.

Partnerships for Cooperation

A partnership project is one where an organisation works with other relevant groups across Europe to develop, transfer or implement innovative practices. Funding is available for Irish organisations, institutions, companies and research organisations that are active in Adult Education, School Education, VET or Youth.

Erasmus+ 2021-2027

Erasmus+ provides opportunities for learners and educators across all fields of education. Hear from peers who've benefited from being involved in our Erasmus+ launch video.

Play video about Erasmus+ 2021-2027 Play video about Erasmus+ 2021-2027

Key Events

INFORM: AL (INFORM: Adult Learning) Empowering Non-Traditional Adult Educators to Unlock the Full Potential of Erasmus+

INFORM: AL (INFORM: Adult Learning) Empowering Non-Traditional Adult Educators to Unlock the Full Potential of Erasmus+

The event aims to provide adult educators and learners with essential knowledge and skills necessary for the successful organisation and participation in high-quality mobility projects. Additionally, this event aims to assist organisations in attracting learners to the programme.

Deadline: 21.03.2025
Focus Mentoring for Organisations – Improving Mentoring Support with the Mentoring Competence Framework

Focus Mentoring for Organisations – Improving Mentoring Support with the Mentoring Competence Framework

Are you eager to improve mentoring support within the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) programme? – Join us for the “Focus Mentoring”, a residential training course that allows you to dive deep into the newly developed Mentoring Competence Framework

Deadline: 16.03.25
eTwinning Online Workshop: Innovation in early numeracy education

eTwinning Online Workshop: Innovation in early numeracy education

This eTwinning workshop will focus on early numeracy education with a keynote and four workshops from experts in the area.

Deadline: 13.02.25
Early Years Drop in Session

Early Years Drop in Session

Are you working on your KA122 application for the 19 February deadline? Drop in for 10 minutes or for 30. Chat with Léargas staff about your application before you press SUBMIT.

Deadline: 12.02.25
eTwinning Online Workshop: Improving Numeracy Education

eTwinning Online Workshop: Improving Numeracy Education

This workshop will focus on improving numeracy education, with a keynote and four workshops from experts in the area.

Deadline: 13.02.25
Erasmus+ KA122 VET Information Session

Erasmus+ KA122 VET Information Session

This information session will give an overview of Erasmus+ short-term mobility opportunities for staff and learners in the VET sector.

Deadline: 27.01.25

Erasmus+ Blogs

Decorative Image for Launch of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps

Principles of Writing an Erasmus+ Plan

In this blog Elva Duggan shares on how the principles of writing an Erasmus+ Plan

The Erasmus Plan and Your Strategy Journey

In the second of three posts, Elva Duggan from our Programme Support and Development Team offers advice for organisations writing an Erasmus Plan. This is based on guidance in “Go International: a practical guide on strategic internationalisation in Vocational Education and Training.”

Is Your Organisation Eligible for Erasmus Accreditation?

If you regularly carry out Erasmus Mobility projects, then you know the benefits Erasmus has for your organisation and learners. You’ve built up experience, your organisation has capacity, and you intend to get involved in 2022.  So how can you prepare to hit the ground running in the new year?  Did you know that you… Continue reading Is Your Organisation Eligible for Erasmus Accreditation?

Erasmus+: Developing Creative Partnerships in Europe

Although Peter Hussey has worked on Erasmus+ projects for some time, he has never planned or taken part in a Partnership project. He recently attended a TCA course in Berlin on getting started with Partnerships and this. By the end of the course, they had created a Strategic Partnership proposal.