What is EPALE?
EPALE stands for the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe. It is a multilingual, open membership community.
EPALE is the hub for news, reports, events and discussion on Adult Learning (VET and Adult Education) across Europe, and invites teachers, trainers, researchers, academics, and policy makers to get involved.
EPALE is free to join and funded by the European Union through Erasmus+. It is operated by the European Commission and supported by the governments of member states. Léargas is the National Support Service for EPALE in Ireland.
How Can EPALE Benefit Me?
If you work in Adult Learning (VET and Adult Education), you’re likely familiar with issues like learner support, learner environments, life skills, adult education policy developments, and best practices in work quality improvement.
You might have looked for help, support or resources on these issues in the past. Sometimes that guidance is easy to find, and sometimes it’s difficult. That’s where EPALE comes in. EPALE makes it simple to access support materials and resources for issues like these.
You can browse articles, upload your own content, contribute to discussions, receive updates, and search the extensive database of Adult Learning resources (including policy documents and project results!).
In short, you can become a member of a dedicated community populated by enthusiastic and like-minded peers in Adult Learning.
I’m Interested! What Now?
You need to register! You can browse the EPALE website any time you like, but registering means you can receive updates, look for partners, write blog posts, and join discussions. It helps you get the very best out of the platform,
Register on EPALE with your username, password and organisation. You will receive an email from the EPALE helpdesk confirming your request. You will then get approved as a fully-fledged member by EPALE and gain access to a wealth of information and support!
Note: EPALE may contact you for more information if needed.
The Benefits of EPALE
Next Steps
Explore current issues in Adult Learning (VET and Adult Education), such as life skills, policy and quality, by clicking ‘Themes’ in the top menu. Browse articles and blog posts by keyword, author, or organisations involved, and respond to and rate blog posts, news articles, and resources.
Suggest or contribute a blog post, propose a resource or highlight an event. Get in touch with us at epale@leargas.ie to help your content reach its audience as effectively as possible.
Stay up to date with EPALE Ireland on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Become an EPALE Ambassador! Be an advocate for EPALE and the concept of European cooperation, identify good quality content, and work with us to give feedback on the site and events. If you feel you would make a good Ambassador, email epale@leargas.ie.
EPALE Resources
EPALE How To Video Guides
- How to register and login to EPALE
- How to navigate EPALE: The Basics
- How to post news items on EPALE
- How to find a project partner on EPALE
- How to upload events on EPALE
- How to join the discussion on EPALE
- How to blog on EPALE
- How to join communities of practice on EPALE
- How to use collaborative spaces on EPALE
EPALE Ireland is funded by

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