Ensuring Quality Implementation of your Erasmus+ Project

Here are some useful resources for carrying out Key Action 1 Projects in the Adult Education, School Education and Vocational Education and Training sectors:
Erasmus+ Programme Guide
It is important to ensure when implementing activities that they are carried out in accordance with the rules as stated in the Programme Guide. Please note, the rules around eligible participants, activities and hosting organisations.
Quality Standards
Please note that all projects are underpinned by Quality Standards of:
- basic principles
- good management practices
- how to provide quality and support to participants
- how to share results and knowledge about the programme
Further information on these standards is available here.
If you have applied for, and been approved for staff courses and training, please note the quality standards for courses as outlined here.
Please also read the European Mobility Projects Safeguarding Guidance to ensure that safeguarding considerations are at the centre of the project management process.
Léargas Resources
Private: Interim Amendment Exercise for KA121 and KA151 Projects
ERASMUS+ and ESC Force Majeure Request Form
Application Form
Complaints Form
Change Amendment Form: Erasmus+ KA2
KA1 & KA2 Partner Information Template
Change Amendment Request Form: Erasmus+ KA1
Guides and Video Tutorials to Support You
- Beneficiary module guide - Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps guides - EC Public Wiki
- eLearning videos for the Beneficiary module - Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps IT Documentation - EC Extranet Wiki
- Navigating the Beneficiary Module for Erasmus+ Mobility Projects
- Navigating the Beneficiary Module for European Solidarity Corps Volunteering Projects
- Glossary - Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps guides - EC Public Wiki
European Funding Links
Tips From The Team

Principles of Writing an Erasmus+ Plan
In this blog Elva Duggan shares on how the principles of writing an Erasmus+ Plan

The Erasmus Plan and Your Strategy Journey
In the second of three posts, Elva Duggan from our Programme Support and Development Team offers advice for organisations writing an Erasmus Plan. This is based on guidance in “Go International: a practical guide on strategic internationalisation in Vocational Education and Training.”