We have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Personal Data, Complaints and Appeals, and Protected Disclosures among other areas. You will find contact information in each section.
Léargas Codes and Policies
Does Léargas Have a Strategy Statement?
Yes, we do. You can download our 2024 Addendum to the Léargas Strategic Plan (2021-2023).
Do You Have Codes You Adhere To?
What is Your Child Safeguarding Policy?
Do You Have a Quality Customer Charter?
Where Can I Find Out About Freedom of Information (FOI)?
What Policy and Procedures does Léargas have in place related to Sustainability?
Personal Data
How Might Your Process Affect My Privacy If I Want to Get Involved?
To manage European funding programmes properly, we need to process personal data of people who may be interested in, apply for, and/or take part in these programmes. Staff in Léargas, the relevant government departments, the European Commission and other agencies and evaluators with whom Léargas works have access to the information and use it only for the purposes for which it was supplied.
You Mentioned “Personal Data”. Can You Tell Me More About Your Privacy Policy?
What Methods Do You Use to Collect Information?
Can You Provide More Information on These Methods?
What Types of Data Do You Collect, and Why?
Do I Have Access to My Own Personal Data?
Complaints and Appeals
How Do You Process Complaints?
We do our utmost to ensure satisfaction with the service you receive from Léargas and/or organisations that receive Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps funding. However, we recognise that issues may arise and have a process for handling complaints.
What Do You Define as a Complaint?
When is a Complaint an Appeal?
How Do I Make a Complaint?
Who Will Deal with My Complaint?
What Happens Next?
Do You Have an Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Appeals Procedure?
Protected Disclosures
What are Protected Disclosures?
A Protected Disclosure is the term used when an individual raises a concern about a relevant wrongdoing to comply with any legal obligation which came to their attention in connection with their employment. With the Protected Disclosure Policy & Procedure Léargas aims is to ensure that there is a clear and straightforward channel to raise issues of concern. The Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Act 2022 extends the provisions for those making disclosures from workers to also include contractors, volunteers, unpaid trainees, board members, shareholders, members of administrative, management or supervisory bodies and job applicants (where information on a relevant wrongdoing is acquired during the recruitment process or during pre-contractual negotiations).
What Protected Disclosures Has Léargas Received?
How Do I Make a Protected Disclosure?
Legal Disclaimer
Neither Léargas, the European Commission nor any third parties, who may provide information to the Léargas website for dissemination purposes, shall have any responsibility for or be liable in respect of the content or the accuracy of the information so provided, or for any errors or omissions therein, nor for the consequences of any actions taken or not taken as a result of this information. Reasonable efforts have been made at the time of publishing each page to examine the contents of each organisation and publication linked to on this website, but no responsibility is taken for the contents contained on such links. Léargas reserves the right to revise, amend, alter or delete the information provided herein at any time, but shall not be responsible for or liable in respect of any such revisions, amendments, alterations or deletions.