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Sheachtain Na Gaeilige agus Léargas
Tá an-áthas ar Léargas Seachtain na Gaelige a cheiliúradh in 2023 agus cuid de na tionscadail Ghaeilge iontacha a bhfuil baint acu lenár gcláir a chur ar taispeáint.
1 March 2023

Léargas Award Winners Celebrated at The Gathering
At The Gathering on 10 November 2022, Léargas celebrated the winning projects of three different but interlinked initiatives: eTwinning National Quality Label, the European Language Label, and the European Innovative Teaching Award.
15 November 2022

Minister Simon Harris Launches Léargas Strategy Statement 2021-2023
We are delighted to publish our new three-year strategy for Léargas covering 2021 to 2023. Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris TD launched the Strategy along with our Executive Director Lorraine Gilligan and Erasmus+ participant JJ Clarke.
15 September 2021