European Solidarity Corps

The European Solidarity Corps funds and supports young people aged between 18 and 30 from EU member states, to volunteer or self-organise projects that benefit communities.

Young people can volunteer at home or abroad, through the Volunteering Projects and Solidarity Projects strands.

Seen and Heard is the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) flagship event which aims to amplify the voices of young people participating in ESC and showcase the transformational impact that volunteering has on participants, organisations and communities.

We’ve asked volunteers to send us videos, images, recordings and testimonials that demonstrate their experiences and the life-changing impact of ESC so that we can launch a video compilation – where all volunteer voices can be seen and heard.

This year’s event will take place on 5th December 2024 in Stella Cinemas (Rathmines) where select ESC volunteers will be invited to a cinematic experience.

European Solidarity Corps Projects

If you’ve decided the European Solidarity Corps is for you, it’s time to explore the options available.

There are two main project types: Volunteering Projects and Solidarity Projects. Both types are called ‘Solidarity Activities’.

Volunteering Projects

You can take part in a Volunteering project individually or as part of a team.

Individual Volunteering is a full-time unpaid solidarity activity. It lasts from two to 12 months. In some cases, however, you can volunteer from two weeks up to two months. Being an individual volunteer gives you the chance to take part in the daily work of organisations and perform tasks that can have a real impact. You can volunteer either in a country different to your own (called ‘cross-border’) or in Ireland (called ‘in-country’).

What Options are Available to Me?

Team Volunteering is for teams of 10 to 40 European Solidarity Corps participants from at least two different countries. Teams can volunteer together for a period between two weeks and two months. Team volunteering especially contributes to the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities in the European Solidarity Corps.

To find out more read the European Solidarity Corps Programme Guide.

Solidarity Projects

Solidarity projects take place in Ireland and it’s young people themselves who create the projects, develop them, and make them happen. You need a group of at least five to set up a project. The project should address a key challenge in your community, while reflecting European values.  Projects can last from two to 12 months. Young people who want to form a group to run a solidarity project must be registered in the European Solidarity Corps Portal.


What Budget is Available?

Download the 2024 European Solidarity Corps budget.

How Will the European Solidarity Corps Benefit Me?

By taking part in the European Solidarity Corps, you will evolve in more ways than one!

On a personal level, you will improve your practical, social and cultural skills by dedicating your time to a cause, giving back to society and challenging yourself in the process.

In a professional capacity, the experience has proven itself to be a stepping stone to employment or to further learning.

And if you’re part of an organisation, your organisation can connect quickly to a dedicated and enthusiastic group of young people who share your aims. This allows for more creativity and flexibility as you work towards your organisational goals.

I’m Interested; What Now?

Before you commit, you can find out more in our booklet ‘Explore, Experience, Empower‘ or visit the European Solidarity Corps website. You can also explore previous ESC projects for inspiration on your own!

If you like what you see and you’re up for the European Solidarity Corps challenge, visit the online portal to register your details and areas of interest. Project organisers may then invite you to join a project and help their work!

Whether you want to take part in a volunteer project or set up your own solidarity project, there are a number of steps you will need to complete to begin:

Next Steps

Step 1

Sign Up For Updates

Whether you are a young person interested in taking part in European Solidarity Corps or an organisation looking to send or host volunteers, signing up to our Newsletter gets you regular updates on workshops, training opportunities and supportive events.

Step 2

Contact your local Youth Information Service

If you are a young person looking to take part, be sure to get in touch with your local Youth Information Service about how you can access the European Solidarity Corps.  Our Eurodesk network are only too happy to help you get involved!


Discover at a Discovery Day!

For organisations, a great place to begin is at a Discovery Day. This event is for those working in the community, voluntary, youth and civil society sectors with little or no experience in EU programmes. At this short event you will discover EU funding opportunities under Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps. Experts will be on hand to introduce the programmes and help you identify if they are for you and what are your next steps.


Plan at a Project Lab

Once you’ve attended a Discovery Day, we recommend you sign up for the subsequent Project Lab, where you’ll have the time and space to consider how a European project can address your organisation’s needs. You’ll get inspiration for your project, support to develop your ideas, and an expert’s feedback on those ideas. If your organisation is thinking of applying, it really is worth taking some time to prepare your project. This half-day event will give you an insight into the values and quality criteria of Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps and helps you prepare for the application stage.

Register Now

Attend a Quality Label Hub

To take part in the European Solidarity Corps, your organisation must hold a Quality Label. Once you’ve a strong project idea, we recommend that you join us at a Quality Label Hub. These hubs run for half a day and are for newcomer organisations wishing to apply for the Quality Label. An expert will facilitate the workshop, guiding you through the application form, addressing queries and explaining the award criteria used to assess applications.



Prepare at an Application Workshop

As the deadline approaches, we strongly recommend that you join us at an Application Clinic. This full day Clinic offers organisations with a Quality Label the chance to work on the application form, address budget and finance queries, and develop an understanding of the award criteria used to assess applications. This event is for when you and your organisation have identified your project partners, have a project idea in mind and are ready to apply.

More information icon

Learn More

Find out more about the steps involved in applying for funding by choosing your option below.


Key Events

ECML Workshop: ‘Fostering motivation in language education: what role for decision-makers and educators?’

ECML Workshop: ‘Fostering motivation in language education: what role for decision-makers and educators?’

The ECML is pleased to announce that it will hold a one-week Summer academy for teacher educators working in the field of languages.

LinguaLearners:-European Classrooms

LinguaLearners:-European Classrooms

This contact seminar will emphasize classroom practices that support both home languages and school languages. Participants will explore examples of Erasmus+ projects by visiting a school in Ireland and will learn about the eTwinning platform for building networks, connecting, sharing, and fostering future international collaboration.

Massive Open Online Course on European Solidarity Corps

Massive Open Online Course on European Solidarity Corps

A free, self-paced, open online course from 22nd October to 6th December 2024 for everyone interested in the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) Programme. During the course, you will discover how you can use all the opportunities that the Programme offers.

ITE Annual Conference: Fostering citizenship education and European values through eTwinning for future teachers

ITE Annual Conference: Fostering citizenship education and European values through eTwinning for future teachers

The ITE Annual Conference will bring together teacher educators from across Europe to connect with their community and share innovative pedagogical methodologies.

Future-Proofing Skills: In Conversation with the National Learning Network

Future-Proofing Skills: In Conversation with the National Learning Network

Join us to discuss how to future-proof your skills the National Learning Network, as part of the EPALE Community Conference.

Erasmus+ KA122 School Education Information Session

Erasmus+ KA122 School Education Information Session

This information session will give an overview of KA122 short-term mobility opportunities for staff and learners in School Education.


Latest News

Erasmus+ & ESC October 2024 Deadline Extended

Erasmus+ & ESC October 2024 Deadline Extended

Due to the severe flooding that has impacted several European countries, the European Commission are extending the deadline for submissions for all open calls from October 1st 12:00 (Brussels time) to October 8th 12:00 (Brussels time). You can still submit your application ahead of the new extended deadline