Jargon Buster

Some of the terms that we use in European projects can be new or overwhelming at first. Here’s a guide to what the different terms mean.

Education, Training, Youth and Volunteering Terms

Adult Education

All forms of non-vocational adult education, whether of a formal, non-formal or informal nature.

European Terms


A set of tools operated by the European Commission to help with managing your career, by creating CVs, cover letters and recording learning outcomes. Europass is managed in Ireland by Quality and Qualifications Ireland. Visit the Europass website.

Erasmus+ Terms


A kind of ‘charter’ for experienced organisations, that helps them access funding in a simpler way. Accreditation shows an organisation can carry out high-quality projects and plans to do so regularly.

European Solidarity Corps volunteers laughing together

European Solidarity Corps Terms


The name for a sub-section of the European Solidarity Corps. The main ‘Actions’ are Volunteering projects and Solidarity projects.