Youth@Work seminar: Youth Work Game Changers – Supporting Youth in Developing Lifelong Entrepreneurial Skills through Digital Gaming

18-21 November 2024 | Helsinki, Finland

A seminar focused on harnessing digital gaming to foster entrepreneurial skills of young people. You will explore how the EntreComp framework and other competence models can be applied to youth work, turning gaming into a powerful educational tool.


  • Understand the digital gaming landscape: Explore the current state of digital gaming and its connections to entrepreneurial skill development.
  • Analyze the role of youth work: Discuss the importance of youth work in promoting game-based learning and its benefits.
  • Share success stories: Present case studies and inspiring examples that showcase effective strategies for developing entrepreneurial skills through digital gaming.
  • Address potential risks: Examine the potential downsides of digital gaming and identify strategies to mitigate these risks and promote healthy gaming habits.
  • Develop practical tools: Create resources that youth workers can easily implement in their daily work to support young people’s entrepreneurial skill development.
  • Facilitate networking: Establish connections and collaborations between participants, professionals, organizations, and youth workers in the digital gaming and youth work sectors.